Can I Roll Up Windown on My Trektop Nx

How to Setup X11 forwarding in WSL2

This answer assumes that you already have a working XServer and PulseAudio configuration running on your Windows host because you already were using WSL1. (You also may have to add the -ac parameter to the command line to get your XServer of choice to work with WSL2.)

The way that I do this, and to ensure that I get X11 forwarding no matter whether I am using a static IP address or DHCP on the Windows host, or even whether my hostname or network location changes, I add the following to my ~/.bashrc file:

          # Get the IP Address of the Windows 10 Host and use it in Environment. HOST_IP=$(host `hostname` | grep -oP '(\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | tail -1 | awk '{ print $NF }' | tr -d '\r') export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 export DISPLAY=$HOST_IP:0.0 export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 export PULSE_SERVER=tcp:$HOST_IP                  

After doing the above, no matter what my Hostname or IP address of the Host is, it will be placed in the environment each time a BASH session is started in WSL2. Test it by running firefox from the command line and watch a YouTube video. You should be able to hear the sound as well as see the app itself to watch the video. Test by launching other GUI apps from the command line in addition.

What it does: It uses the host command to pull the IPv4 Addresses associated with the Hostname from the output, greps the address that matches the line that contains your Windows Host IPv4 address, strips the rest of the information except for the IP Address, and then awks that and prints it into the variable, with the output trimmed. This then is used to provide the necessary IP address as a string for use in the environment variables that allow for forwarding of X11 and sound output.

Hopefully it works for you if the other methods don't work for you (as they didn't for me).

Most CLI apps can be run either from the BASH Prompt or from Windows Terminal. If you want to make a shortcut, most CLI apps can be set up like either of the following examples (no need for X11 forwarding in such cases except apps like Links2):

          C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -e htop C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe lynx                  

If you want to create desktop shortcuts for Linux GUI apps, unless you can get the environment variables from your ~/.bashrc file to be used before launching the programs, you will have to create shortcuts using the following template, and put the program name in place of {yourprogram}:

          C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=Yes IP=$(host `hostname` | grep -oP '(\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | tail -1 | awk '{ print $NF }' | tr -d '\r') DISPLAY=$IP:0.0 PULSE_SERVER=tcp:$IP {yourprogram}                  

You do not have to place the full command line for many programs. For PERL-based programs or Python-based programs, you sometimes will have to add the path for PERL and PYTHON, as well as your program's full path, to run such GUI programs in Linux using WSL2. For one of my perl programs, I have to do it this way:

          C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe IP=$(host `hostname` | grep -oP '(\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | tail -1 | awk '{ print $NF }' | tr -d '\r') ; export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=Yes export DISPLAY=$IP:0.0 ; cd /mnt/c/Users/{yourusername}/Desktop ; /usr/bin/perl ~/                  

You may have to experiment a bit to get some apps working properly. For example, you might need to dbus-launch an app, and will need to add that command to the shortcut just before the program name.

          C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=Yes IP=$(host `hostname` | grep -oP '(\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | tail -1 | awk '{ print $NF }' | tr -d '\r') DISPLAY=$IP:0.0 PULSE_SERVER=tcp:$IP dbus-launch --exit-with-session gedit                  

And you might have to use a shorter variable name in some circumstances. Some apps just won't work well, if at all, but this situation is improving over time. Also, don't try to run the above from a Windows Command Prompt or from PowerShell. It will throw errors about 'grep' not being recognized as an internal or external command, etc.

Following is a screenshot of a few Linux GUI apps running on my Windows 10 system, with working X11 forwarding on WSL2.

enter image description here

Can I Roll Up Windown on My Trektop Nx


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