Can You Roll a Joint With 5 Gum Wrapper

Gum disease, along with tooth decay, are the world's most significant threats to oral health. In the United States alone, one out of every two people above 30 suffers from periodontal disease, according to the CDC.

Don't fret, though! Avoiding gum disease doesn't have to be complicated, and there are plenty of preventative treatment options available.

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Syda Productions /

Brushing your teeth eliminates oral bacteria and keeps your breath fresh and clean. But, it's important to brush your teeth properly. To do so, brush along the gum line after every meal and use a toothbrush with softer bristles, as well as fluoride toothpaste. Using oral antiseptics is likewise recommendable.

Aside from brushing, there's something else you should do to your teeth, such as…

2. Floss Your Teeth

 LightField Studios /

After brushing your teeth, use dental floss or interdental brushes to remove food particles that get stuck in between the teeth. Rinsing after you floss can help prevent gum disease, too.

But for some people, it's not just the teeth and gums that need a good cleaning…

3. Clean Your Dentures Properly

Sotnikov Misha /

Dental plaque can sometimes build up on dentures, which puts the surrounding natural teeth at risk of getting gum disease. To avoid this problem, apply denture cleaners to the denturs (liquid soaps can be an alternative, too) and use a soft toothbrush to brush plaque away.

Aside from cleaning, there are other measures you should take in order to treat or prevent gym disease.

4. Quit Smoking

 Juan Brian Diaz Hernandez /

Smoking has many harmful effects on the body, but it especially takes a hefty toll on one's oral health. While quitting might be hard, some people try nicotine replacement therapy and use tips prescribed by physicians to overcome nicotine withdrawal.

Smoking is not the only habit to quit, though, as the next treatment option shows.

5. Avoid Drugs /

Like smoking, continued drug use is dangerous for the physical and mental state of an individual. Quitting is a challenging process, but it can improve your life significantly. If this is an issue for you, talk to a specialist on how to take the first step.

As it turns out, stability in other areas of our health can help treat gum disease, too.

6. Keep Blood Sugar Levels Low

 Meteoritka /

If you have diabetes, keeping your blood sugar level controlled will help you avoid the risk of getting gum disease. Ask your doctor how to prevent such blood sugar spikes in the future.

Keeping your health in check also involves the following…

7. Eat Healthy Food

Vladislav Noseek /

When it comes to gum and tooth health, eating the right foods matters. Try to lessen your intake of sugary foods and substitute them with fresh fruits, yogurt, milk, and tea instead. Including whole grains and fresh vegetables in your meals also helps improve overall oral health.

Aside from food, there is another substance that helps maintain oral health…

8. Drink Plenty Of Water

 KieferPix /

Drinking enough water every day does wonders to a person's health, especially their gums and teeth. As much as possible, stick to fluoridated water (i.e., tap water) because the fluoride fights off oral bacteria and strengthens the enamel.

Keeping your body at its best can also prevent gum disease.

9. Drop Some Weight

Nelli Syrotynska /

A group of dental researchers from Case Western Reserve University concluded that the body resists gum disease more easily when fat cells, which can trigger inflammation in the gums, are eliminated. So, reducing fat intake and losing weight might reduce your risks of developing gum disease.

At its worst, gum disease might require the following treatment.

10. Take Medication

solarseven /

While there isn't medication made specifically for gum disease, dentists often prescribe certain medications like tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocyclineto soothe its effects. Others recommend an oral antiseptic called chlorhexidine gluconate, which fights off oral bacteria.


History Facts - World War I

  1. World War I, also known as The Great War, started on June 28, 1914. A Serbian terrorist murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife. Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Serbia.
  2. The first country to use gas against their enemies was France, not Germany. They fired the first series of tear gas grenades (xylyl bromide) against the Germans in August 1914. Germany then first used tear gas in January of the following year, against the Russian armies.
  3. Due to the war, all German-language books were burned in the United States. Schools banned the teaching of German, and some German-derived words that had been in common use were modified as well.
  4. During World War I the term "dogfight" was born. To avoid planes stalling when they would turn quickly in the air, pilots had to turn the engines on and off every so often. The vibration sounded a lot like dogs barking, hence the term.
  5. During the war, Herbert Hoover was appointed to be the United States Food Administrator. His primary responsibility was to provide food and sustenance to the US Army and its allies. He convinced US citizens to plant gardens in their backyards, dubbing them "victory gardens.
  6. An estimated 30 different poisonous gases were used throughout the war. Soldiers were ordered to put rags soaked in urine over their faces to protect them from the fatal effects of these gases.

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Can You Roll a Joint With 5 Gum Wrapper


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