Chapter 6 Religion Reading Guide Key Issue 3

Hello everyone, it is time for Chapter Six of Year Three of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, with the help of your friend Rowan, you decoded Jacob's notebook and found out that he had a secret room where he kept his research about the Cursed Vaults. You went there with one friend of yours and found out that the room is locked with a padlock containing two keyholes. There was a writing on it saying it is the property of Tulip Karasu. She is another third-year, and quite a mischievous one, according to your friend.

You also spent some time with your Prefect, during which you learned many valuable skills. Lastly, you met with Tulip, and after some convincing, she revealed that she only has one key for the padlock, the second one is held by Merula Snyde. Now you have to find a way to get rid of Barnaby and Ismelda, so you could confront Merula about the key.

As usual, you can start things off with the lessons part of the chapter. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Charms Classroom.

Unlocking Finite Incantatem requires you to earn a total of six stars from Charms Class. There are several different ways to accomplish this. The fastest one involves doing three of the one-hour classes. However, this is the least rewarding option, so if you have time to spare, you might consider doing two of the eight-hour classes in order to gain more attribute and house points.

As usual, complete various actions by tapping on the glowing objects. This will fill up the star meter and eventually, you'll earn stars. Always prioritize actions with the higher cost since that way you can optimize the energy usage.

And after earning each star, you'll be given a mini-task. Completing it successfully will grant you ten Empathy points.

When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue.

Now that you've unlocked the lesson, head back to the Charms Classroom to attend it. In order to learn Finite Incantatum, you need to earn five stars in three hours. Because all of the stars are required to pass, having full energy prior to starting will make this lesson much easier to complete.

There isn't much of a difference between this lesson and the other Charms classes, so you shouldn't have any trouble with it.

Once you have all five stars, it is time to cast the spell. Trace the path on the screen in order to perform this.

One down, one to go. Proceed to the Herbology Classroom to attend the second lesson of this chapter.

To unlock Mandrake Lesson, you need to earn a total of six stars from Herbology Classes. Choose a class combination to your liking and hit the Start button to begin.

These classes should be done in the same way as any of the other ones you had so far. Focus on picking the high-cost actions whenever you get the chance and you'll be able to complete it without a problem.

Use the opportunity to earn some additional Empathy points by completing mini-tasks successfully.

Once you are done with these classes, hit the Collect button to continue.

Now, the Mandrakes lesson should be unlocked. Proceed back to the Herbology Classroom to attend it. When you get there, you can interact with some of the students by tapping on their speech bubbles.

Afterward, tap on the exclamation mark to bring up the task window. Completing this lesson requires you to earn five stars within eight hours.

This lesson behaves in a pretty similar manner to an eight-hour class. The only difference is that in order to pass this one, you need to earn all five stars.

As soon as you earn all five stars, you will be tasked with repotting your Mandrake. Trace the shape on the screen to successfully perform this.

There will be a funny scene following this lesson during which your character will stuff one of the Mandrakes in the robes. This is related to one of the following story quests, so you shouldn't worry too much about it now.

Now that the lessons are taken care of, you can resume the story. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall to meet Tulip.

She will brief you in on the plan. Basically, your job is to go to Zonko's shop and acquire a Jumbo Dungbomb while she takes care of the other ingredients.

When the three hours of waiting time are over, you can proceed to Hogsmeade. Then, after talking to the shopkeeper for a while, you receive a task to explore Zonko's while Bilton Bilmes looks for the dungbomb. This task requires you to earn five stars within three hours. Only one star is needed to pass, so this shouldn't pose much of a problem.

You can slide the screen left and right in order to see all the available actions. Simply pick the ones with the highest cost and you should fill up the star meter in no time.

When you are done, the shopkeeper will return and inform you there is only one Jumbo Dungbomb left in the store. In order to acquire it, you'll need to obtain some baby Mandrakes and a rare Butterbeer 1707 from the Three Broomsticks. Luckily, you already have the Mandrakes, so there is only one other thing to obtain.

The next task is to go to the Three Broomsticks and see if you can somehow procure the rare Butterbeer. Once you are in there, you'll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say to you.

After a bit of talking, Madam Rosmerta will go to the back room to fetch the butterbeer while you tend to the customers. This task requires you to earn five stars within three hours. Only one is needed to pass, so this is a fairly easy task.

There are plenty of actions to choose from, just slide the screen left and right and pick the one with the highest cost.

When you complete this task, Madam Rosmerta will return with a barrel of Butterbeer 1707.

Your next task involves going to your Common Room. Apparently, Rowan has found a letter on your bed. Hit the GO button and proceed there to meet him.

The letter was written and signed by a "friend", but it is unknown who that person actually is. Rowan will then ask if you have any clue who could've written the letter. You have three response options.

Each choice will award you with five attribute points, but in any case, you won't be able to say for sure who the writer is. Your next task is bringing the items you obtained back to Zonko's. Sadly, you'll have to wait for a bit since there are three hours of waiting time before you can proceed. Once you are able to continue, head back to Hogsmeade.

As soon as you enter, you'll notice Tulip standing there, waiting for you. After a brief conversation, you'll receive a task to explore Zonko's while the shopkeeper gets you the Jumbo Dungbomb. Like the previous one, this task requires you to earn five stars within three hours with one being needed to pass.

This task is, more or less, almost identical to the previous one. Simply follow the same steps and you won't have any trouble completing it in time.

As soon as you are done, Bilton will return with the Jumbo Dungbomb. After talking for a bit, Tulip will go to assemble it before you go to prank Merula and her cronies. There is a waiting period of eight hours before you can proceed.

Either wait for a while or use some gems if you are impatient. In any case, once you are able to continue, head to the courtyard to meet Tulip.

Your next task will be to eavesdrop on Merula. To pass this one, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Since all the stars are required to pass, you might want to consider having full energy before starting.

This is fairly similar to any other story tasks, so you should be able to complete it without a problem.

When you are done, it is time to prank Merula and her cronies. First, you will need to use the Hardening Charm on the Ultimate Dungbomb.

Next, it is time to send it flying directly into them. Trace the path on the screen to cast Depulso.

The plan will work and both Barnaby and Ismelda will run off, leaving Merula alone. After approaching and talking to her for a while, you'll have to duel her in order to obtain her key. Tap on the crossed wands icon to continue.

In the duel window, you will be able to see the recommended attribute levels as well as the gold cost of each attempt.

Merula's behavior is pretty predictable. Most of the times she will either go with Sneaky or with the Aggressive stance. However, on some occasions, she can even use Defensive, but it is pretty rare. Your safest bet is to go with the Aggressive stance and use Depulso. Two casts should be enough to take her down.

Once you defeat her, she will hand you her key. Before she leaves, she will warn you not to trust Tulip.

This will be the end of the chapter. How did you find this one? Which were your favorite moments? Did you manage to defeat Merula in a single attempt? Let us know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading. Until next time.

You can check out our video playthrough of Chapter 6 HERE

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Chapter 6 Religion Reading Guide Key Issue 3


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